Tuesday, August 13, 2013


July here has been unusually mild and rainy. We made it to the pool a few more times and spent a lot of time coloring, painting, playing at the park, and playing games. Here are a few pictures of our month:
1:00 church is hard on everyone, especially napping toddlers!
I love my kids! Being a mom is tiring and overwhelming and often frustrating but it is also very rewarding. My life would be very lonely without their constant companionship.

Clara is starting to get into dress up and princesses. Only natural considering how much her big sister loves it.
We took a trip to the Mall of Georgia. It is huge! They have a Disney store and Keith thought it would be fun for the girls to each pick a nightgown. Is there anything cuter than kids in PJ's?
This profile reminds me so much of my brother Caleb I had to post it.
Pretty, Pretty, Princess games usually end in Clara decorating herself with all of the jewelry
Can you see the fear on his face? Clara's getting better with Emmett but she still hasn't really learned what it means to be gentle.

They really do love each other
Such a great big sister!
He rolls, hooray! With all of the biotinidase stuff, I get a little more antsy/excited about his milestones.
The two fingers have been replaced by the thumb. It's adorable and he is a very quiet baby now.
Kenzie makes sure to get him a blanket and toy wherever he falls asleep. 

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