Thursday, March 14, 2013

Graduation Picture

I'm so proud of this guy! Years of years of hard work are finally going to pay off this Spring. May 11th is the big day. He passed mock boards in February and will be taking his real boards in Chicago end of April. He's stressed about it, but I know he'll do great. The plan right now is to take an associate position in Atlanta, Georgia. We feel grateful for the job and know that it will give Keith some good experience. I'm excited about living in such a fun city with a lot of family friendly activities and a husband working normal hours to explore it with.

34 weeks

 I'm not up to date with pregnancy pics and don't really plan on another one until 39 weeks which was my last pic. before I had Clara. Kenzie took the second pic here, that's why it's so flattering:)
I'm bigger than I've been with the other two but I'm also not as uncomfortable which I find odd. Maybe I'm just used to having a big belly in  my way so it doesn't frustrate me as bad this time around. Also, I know that a big belly is easier than 3 kids! Besides being heavier, the only differences at this point are a relaxed attitude about delivery, more reflux, lots and lots of contractions, and fear of having my hands full! I had my 36 week appointment last Friday and the doctor wasn't able to feel the soft spot on baby's head so I go in for an ultrasound on Tuesday to make sure baby boy is head down. I've lucked out with the last couple of pregnancies getting extra ultrasounds because my baby's didn't want to cooperate. No big news either, I'm dilated to a 1 and 50% effaced, at a -3 station. More progress than Kenzie's ever was but about the same as Clara. It will be fun to get a sneak peek on Tuesday and check my progress. I expect something from all of the backaches and cramping I've been having! For those interested in a name, I've been pushing for Evan but I don't think Keith's going for it. We have about 5 other names we both agree on and a couple in particular I've been gravitating towards. We really don't like to pick a name until we see the baby.

Just a couple random pics of the girls. Clara's starting to get into babies and strollers which is really cute. Hopefully she'll be excited about a new baby in the house!


I'm so glad that the Snyder's moved in 2 years ago. Mackenzie and Morgan are the same age and get along so well. McKell and Clara are 7 months apart but Clara enjoys loving on her and she's always happy to tag along after Kenzie and Morgan. We've been able to swap babysitting with them and it's been great, we'll be sad to say goodbye to them this summer!