While Katie was here, Brynn invited us to go to the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington. I am so sad we didn't discover this little gem earlier. Keith had a graduation orientation at the school so we drove down in Brynn's van without him. If you do the math, you know that one of us sat on the floor. Thanks for sacrificing a seat for me Katie!
We explored the grounds and the memorabilia first.
We've been lucky enough to hit Kroger a couple of times while they were making the Garland of Roses for Derby. It is really beautiful!
Before Keith met us, we had lunch at the cafeteria. We got plenty of stares as Katie and I wrangled the 4 kids and Clara spilled ice water all over the floor:) Needless to say, we were happy when he arrived.
Brynn met her grandparents at the park. Her grandpa took my girls under his wing and bought a pony ride for them. Kenz refused to go on the horse so Clara did. She liked it until the end.
They had a fun park I was grateful for. The girls played while I stopped to nurse.
One of the highlights was the Horses of the World show. The title explains the show. They had music playing and it was very entertaining for us and the kids.
She has a really bad habit of sucking on her hair.
These chairs were pretty cool. The park hosted the World Championships in the 70's and these chairs were surrounding a giant table the horses had to hurdle over.
Love Brynn's stroller, the girls all fit inside.
Another highlight was the kids barn. The kids were able to brush real horses and then the stalls were all set up with facts and activities about horses. 
The last thing we did was a carriage ride which took us around most of the park. Keith and Katie sat in the back and Brynn and I rode in front of them with Clara.
Clara loves Brynn. McKelle loves me. Morgan and Mackenzie love each other. Basically, the Snyders and the Shaws need to start a practice together and be neighbors.
We wore them out!
Driving back to Louisville. As beautiful as Lexington is, I know we were meant to go to Louisville for school.
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