Wednesday, July 3, 2013


 There are times I actually feel like a bad parent because we live so far away from cousins. Mackenzie adores her cousins and this time around, Clara did too.

Gideon was stoked to FINALLY have another boy on the Shaw side. He's been the only one for 8 long years and he could not have been sweeter to Emmett. He's always sweet with the babies but I think there's a special bond with these little guys.
After hours of chaos, we turned on a movie. 

 My babies always love their Aunt Joy.
 Mark's feed store. Halfway through our dinner, a teenage boy came over with a box of cake for the girls.
 The morning the Shaws left, we went to breakfast and one of our favorite spots, Wild Eggs. We waited an hour for a table and Eva entertained the kids with games.
All the moms on Mother's Day. Maybe I should have touched up my makeup? My sis-in-laws are beautiful inside and out.
 Uncle Kirk taking his turn. He's always up for holding babies too.
And that's how you fit seven kids around our tiny table. Keith said the weekend with all those kids was birth control:) It was definitely loud but fun.
Gid held Emmett for a good half hour of the graduation ceremony. Emmett had been fussing for me but fell right to sleep in Gideon's arms.

They are such good friends

We kept trying to get a picture of all the nieces and nephews for Grandma and Grandpa but the littlest just weren't cooperating at the same time.
Eva was so bummed to go. We were all sad to see them leave. We love our nieces and nephew!

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