We had such a blast at the fair this year. We didn't have very high expectations we took our time getting there and we regretted it! We ended up buying a wristband so Kenzie could ride the rides and I think we earned our money back three times over. She started out on all of the small rides until Cammie convinced her to try the roller coaster. 
One ride on that coaster and she was hooked. The girls were darling and screamed and giggled the whole way through. When Cammie left at 9 PM, we thought Kenzie would be done but we ended up staying another hour. There weren't any lines so she walked on every ride which was great.
Clara was too small for most of the rides. We went on this elephant ride for Kenz but it was so late, the carnie told me and Clara to go on ahead with her. This just fueled my desire to go to Disney World in the near future.
We were so proud of her when at the end of the night, she got on the last ride she hadn't tried yet because it scared her. This little girl had just taken a turn and asked Kenzie to go back on with her and to our surprise she did, 3 times in a row:)
The only thing better than experiencing the thrill of a ride yourself is watching your child's happiness as they experience it.
We love the fair. We always buy a wristband and spend the entire day, it is so worth it! Scott told Paisley when she is 5 he would take her to Disneyland...we should just come to Disney world with you guys!