A lot of people warned me about having three kids and they might have told me how wonderful it is but I focused only on how scared I was. Well I feel it's my obligation to tell people that yes it is scary. Those first few weeks can be overwhelming and frustrating and make you feel grossly inadequate as a mom. But hang in there because I'm only six months into this and the only thing I am constantly overwhelmed with is love for my children. If my heart doubled in size when I had two children, it tripled with three. Sure my dishes stay dirty a bit longer and the floor is rarely vacuumed and I'm constantly drowning in laundry, but I am happy and my kids are happy. Emmett is proving to be a wonderful third child. Third children are golden, it's just a rule. At 6 months he:
* Is rolling all over
* Is a champ at eating solids! I try to supplement just enough to get his biotin in him but from day one, he acted like he's been eating solids his whole life. He's eaten everything I've thrown at him, oatmeal, rice, squash, sweet potatoes, peas, carrots, applesauce...
* Still sucks his thumb
* Loves his sisters and Kenzie especially knows how to get him giggling
* has two bottom teeth. One broke through at 4 months, the other at 5.
* is long and lean! Still around 15 lbs.
* is terrible at nursing. It's no secret that I don't love nursing but I've been able to do it for all of my babies and I feel like I inflict a lot of suffering on my part to do so. Usually I only have a few hiccups here and there after the first couple of months but it has been really hard on both of us for weeks now! I have wanted to quit so badly this past month but I'm trying to stick it out and go the full year.
* Is SO happy. Before teeth, he was all smiles and giggles. When he was in the midst of teething, he got a bit more fussy but probably acted like most babies regularly do.
* Mellow. I can haul him around all day long and he'll barely protest
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